Friday, May 25, 2012

Magical Sedona

Assisted Living Mesa - Magical Sedona
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Do you know about - Magical Sedona

Assisted Living Mesa! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

The Grand Canyon, the womb of the Earth, I stood at the rim and gazed at its magnificence, then done my eyes and felt the energy. There was a column of light, I was rising and then it was no longer twenty degrees, but a warm zephyr moderately blew over my face. I opened my eyes and saw lush green grass and polite rolling hills; there was a one side up a slope and a babbling brook on the other in the hollow. A man walked towards me wearing loose flowing clothing, his hair was very long, almost to his waist. His polite gaze captured mine as he neared.

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How is Magical Sedona

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Assisted Living Mesa.

"I believe introductions are in order. I am Jermany and of procedure you are Annie. You were not incredible so soon. The time has not come yet for you to be here. Please start from the beginning and tell me how you came to be here. No one has come straight through this portal since the fall of the last great civilization on Earth, so please tell me exactly what happened."

I knew exactly where I was, I had been there many times in numerous meditations, but never before was I actually here, or was I. Perhaps, I was never actually there, but in any case I was here now and Jermany was a being of light, that was obvious. Yes, I am a being of light here too and there as well, but I feel lighter right now that I ever felt there.

"Please, sit and let me offer you some water." I turned and there were chairs and a table with a pitcher of water and glasses. None of this seemed unusual; after all I have been here in my mind and all the time wanted to be here in reality, so why shouldn't I actually be here.

So I began my tale. "I believe it all began about forty years ago when I first went to Sedona. I was a younger woman then, but I flatter myself by saying, not wiser. I did, however, possess a fearlessness that allowed me to seek out adventure and act upon impulse. There was a young man, full of ideals and hope; he brought me to Sedona the first time and after three days left me in the beautiful valley surrounded by Red Rocks. He said he needed to be on his own, needed his space. I had not learned about its magic and the time was not right for me to remain, but it stuck in my mind more than any other place and believe me there were many more places on my journey straight through life. Part of me remained in Sedona though, insuring I would all the time return, but back then I did not know that was the purpose of my being there.

A few months ago, my dearest friend and mum to my godchildren informed me that they would be spending the holidays skiing in Flagstaff and asked if I would like to meet them there. Of procedure was my reply, I could visit the Grand Canyon and Sedona while they went to the slopes. The plan was set in place. I did not think much of the sightseeing I had planned, except to pass the time and take some lovely photos.

I arranged a Vortex Tour in Sedona on the first day and as I drove straight through the snow covered Oak Creek Canyon I was transformed. My first stop was for breakfast. A woman came in the restaurant shortly after me and sat at the table next to me. We began to talk and became friends quickly. She was on vacation and had no plans, but to sit on a rock. I asked Susan if she would like to join me on my Vortex Tour and she standard my invitation. We both knew that troops larger than us were in motion.

One of the Vortex sites we visited is the place where souls enter the Earth. I have a photograph of it right here," she said as she handed him a small photo and at the same time wondering how she happened to have a copy of a photo that was still in her camera. "The actual vortex is right at the top of my head. This is where I entered the Third size in this incarnation. It was the arrival gate of my soul to the Earth. I asked the guide, a gentle, angelic soul named Linda, to take the photograph so that my light channel would be aligned with the vortex."

"You're intention in taking this photo aligned you with your light channel. It is the most essential part of the process of your arriving here."

"But where is here, where am I?"

"Ahhh, you will come to know the write back to that question, but not quite yet. Please continue your story."

"At the next vortex site I had a vision. The rocks were not only rocks, but flourishing cities, filled with movement, business and daily life, but in another dimension, one we cannot see with our eyes. I saw government buildings, schools, living quarters and life force power flowing throughout it all. Life in this size exists in places that life in ours does not. How small we are in our foresight of life and how familiar it all seemed to me. Our memories span the ages and we have more neighbors here on Earth that we know.

I was informed by my guide, Linda, this would be the year of my enlightenment, as we drove to Cathedral Rock. Oak Creek was the fondest memory I had of my first trip to Sedona and as I stood on the red rocks I recalled a foresight that was given to me two months earlier during an angel reading. The woman told me that she saw me standing on red rocks, surrounded by my angelic guides. Prophecy fulfilled.

As I gazed at the clear water swirling and flowing, I saw all past trauma and negativity from all my incarnations washing away by this River of Life. I breathed in pure white light to fill the spaces and the circle was complete. I was whole again. I sprinkled the sage that Linda had located in my hand as an offering of gratitude to the Creek and mum Earth, proclaiming to the spirit of the waters that whenever I burned sage I would think of them and this day."

"That was the next step of the process and you did exceptionally well I must say. Please continue."

"During the day, Linda mentioned the Hopi villages and it stirred something in both Susan and myself. The next day we were off to the land of the Hopi. For some time I have know my Pleiadian star seed lineage and the connection that the Hopi have with those same origins. Also, I am aware that indigenous peoples have been retention the light for humans since the fall of the last great civilization and it is only now that more of us, the light bringers, are retention light that we are able to support them.

Susan also felt the call of the Hopi and we agreed the next day to drive to the mesas. Birds escorted us at the energetic threshold of the Hopi reservation and from there we cast our fate to the wind. The first stop was food in the only restaurant within a twenty five mile radius. Afterwards we went into the adjoining gallery that sold Hopi arts and crafts. It was there I bought this pendant, with Kokopelli, the moon and stars on one side and the sun on the other."

"It is that pendant, which encompasses all aspects of the Earth and the universe and will allow you to trip straight through the dimensions and return safely. You must have also gone to the top of the First Mesa too."

"Yes, we did and we bought some crafts from some young men who stood at the entry to the village. There was no one to guide us straight through the village; the young men said we could walk nearby if we wanted, but we both felt that it was time to leave, the connection had been made. The same birds escorted us out when we reached the boundary.

The following day was January 4, 2011, the day of the partial solar eclipse. Yes, the day to finish what was started on the Winter Solstice Lunar eclipse. Off I headed on the Grand Canyon Railway to the womb of the Earth where I was reborn into wholeness again after ages of waiting. Yes, this is the year of my Enlightenment, as Susan incredible and here I am, in another size telling you my story."

"You have done well, my dear friend, we are proud of you and happy to see you. Your intention was the driving force that brought you to us and we now know that our wait is almost over. It is time now for you to return though. You may not stay here just yet; your place is back on Earth. You have work to do. All you have to do is hold the pendant and breathe deeply and before long you will be home again. When you return, tell those who will understand about your journey and let it be known that there are those who wait for them and appreciate their efforts and trials. They are the brave ones and we love them and send them light constantly."

I held the pendant and began to breathe deeply for a occasion I saw the green grass and the white robes of the one who waited for the return of the Light Bearers and then I was home, breathtaking home, the most breathtaking place I could imagine at that moment. Just as Sedona called me back, there is another place that will call me back some day as it will all of us.

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