Monday, June 4, 2012

History: The keen Questions Are Often "Why?" Questions

Mesa Assisted Living - History: The keen Questions Are Often "Why?" Questions
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Let's face it, we'd all rather be couch-potatoes relaxing than busting our chops doing hard work! We'd all rather be lazy and sleep in - what a luxury. That's why we all love weekends and holidays, right? Of course, there are just times when the 'ends' - the necessities of life - interpret the hard work 'means'. I mean lots of citizen go to all sorts of hardships seeking buried treasure, like say at Oak Island, or diving for sunken Spanish treasure ships, to traipsing after the Lost Dutchman Mine. Get-rich-quick is a 'why' motive if ever there was one!

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How is History: The keen Questions Are Often "Why?" Questions

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Then too the hard work in construction your own home or ploughing the fields because you need to fill your belly is understandable. There's an positive positive motive in the construction of bridges, roads, tunnels, railroads, airports and any and all other infrastructure that services transport. There's incentive to built arenas for sport (like the Roman Colosseum or Yankee Stadium), since sport is an performance that we like to participate in, even if just as a spectator.

But then too, even when it comes to the necessities, one tends to do the minimum required to accomplish the desired results. I mean digging a grave 7000 years ago wasn't easy, but the motive, avoiding the stink and decaying visuals and health hazards of a decomposing body was probably a reasonable trade-off, especially if the corpse had some sentimental value. On the other hand, they didn't go to supplementary exertion and dig a 12 foot grave when 6 feet under sufficed! That's true in contemporary times as well. So there are limits to 'why' and motivations.

Of course contemporary technology takes a lot of the really, real hard work out of constructing skyscrapers, weighty dams, nuclear power stations, etc., (and also one gets paid for their labour) so let's instead return back to a time when there was no such high-technology to aid and ease the burden, like grave-digging 7000 years ago.

The motivation or the 'why' quiz, is nothing else but answered when presented with examples, like treasure hunting or digging graves or filling your belly. But that's not all the time the case. Yet maybe it should be. Motive across time and space should be comprehensible to us - we're not that far removed in time and space from our antique ancestors. The antique peoples, societies, cultures that are also part and parcel of these 'why' or motive issues are the exact same sort of individuals as you and I; the same 'grey matter'; the same Iq's; the same reasoning powers. If 'why' X back then did such and such, it should reflect why we would do the same in the here and now. If there is no such connection, then maybe we have real bona-fide anomalies to consider.

'Motive, means and opportunity' are often cited in whodunit murder mysteries. In the context of this essay, it's the 'motive' bit that's the key. That 'why' question. Often though, even if there is a motive, the resulting anything is often over-the-top. The Egyptian tombs, say those constructed in the Valley of the Kings, are often way above and beyond what was nothing else but essential in order to acquire reasonable goods and services and afterlife space for the dearly departed pharaoh. But back to lowly motivation and a few examples of real life puzzlements.

Lots of books and articles (even websites) are full of the 'how' questions, as in 'how' did the antique Egyptians built the pyramids at Giza? 'How' were those Easter Island statues constructed, movable and erected? 'How' can citizen compose the 'crop circles' in quick-smart time frames in the dead of night? But often a far more difficult quiz, is the 'why' question, at least difficult once you subtract a survival, financial, personal glory, and legal, or even a curiosity (scientific) motive. Let's start with that more contemporary example before travelling back in time - crop circles.

Crop Circles (England): Let's assume that the ever ongoing crop circle phenomena, in general but not exclusively British, are 100% the work of human beings and all are hoaxes. I mean there is nothing else but brain behind the construction, so mother Nature has to take a back seat in this case. Now either seeing at pictures of many large and involved geometric 'circles', or great yet, undertaking on-site visitations, the visuals must chronicle to anything the weighty amounts of time and exertion that went into making them. What's the motive? Well, it nothing else but cannot be personal reward, a pat on the back for your time and efforts, personal fame spread far and near on Tv or in newspaper headlines - you name in print, far less monetary gain. Constructing crop circles - hoaxes - doesn't put food in your belly or put a roof over your head or help you with your Cv/resume when seeking employment. In fact, if the powers-that-be form out whodunit, and whodunit was you, then your 'reward' could nothing else but be a hefty fine and/or jail time. The 'why' quiz, in the case of 'crop circles' is not nothing else but answered by any means assuming human hoaxes.

There are numerous examples, like crop circles, that are apparently useless constructions, yet which required getting our all-loving couch-potato butts off said couches and into 'blood, sweat and tears' mode. For example, the Nazca Lines in Peru.

Nazca Lines (Peru): The 'how', as in how the Nazca Lines were made; the construction of these sublime pictograms is a no-brainer. Any archaeological text will nothing else but interpret the 'how'. The 'why' quiz, on the other hand, however, is not so nothing else but solvable. Why go to any amount of time, exertion and energy to compose pictures in the dirt that can only been seen and appreciated from the air? This was a time when there was no ways and means of any contemporaries of those Nazca Line construction workers being able to view those pictures from the air. It would appear to be wasted effort. For a peoples living in a harsh environment like the Nazca Plains, efforts just could not be wasted on the frivolous. Nevertheless, the blood, sweat and tears to draw the pictograms were nonetheless provided. Why?

Machu Picchu (Peru): Machu Picchu is an antique Inca 'city' perched high on a ridge in the middle of two windy hills, well mountains actually, some nearly 8000 feet above sea level in the high Andes. The 'city' was built atop this very steep, rugged and rather inaccessible dual mountain ridge and not even the Spanish Conquest ever heard of or located it. Apparently the best guess is that it was constructed as a sort of "Summer White House" for the Inca emperor (but nobody knows for absolute sure and there are alternative ideas). Given the location and terrain, it's hardly an ideal place to build a 'city', especially when the Inca Empire controlled vast amounts of far more convenient land to pick and pick a "Summer White House" for their dear leader. There's something rather odd about why Machu Picchu was built in the first place at large cost and effort, lots of weighty stone blocks had to be cut, movable and heaved into place, but built it was. However, it was abandoned to the elements just a microscopic over a hundred years later. Go figure! Why?

Egyptian Pyramids (Giza, Egypt): These weighty constructions also apparently serve no real purpose. Why build a pyramid as a tomb for one, when for the same effort, you have a mausoleum for thousands of Egypt's upper crust! In any event, no smoking gun bodies (mummies) have been found in the trilogy of those great Giza pyramids. Tomb robbers after gold, jewels and other valuables are quite understandable; but of what value is nicking off with the corpse? In any event some lesser pyramids have had sealed sarcophagi discovered, customary plaster in place; no bodies! Something is screwy somewhere - again! maybe the pyramids were nothing else but designed as cenotaphs - memorials to the dead pharaohs as opposed to tombs for the dead. Or maybe the real or at least supplementary purpose(s) of the pyramids has yet to have been conception of.

In non-pyramid tombs (like the Valley of the Kings; Valley of the Queens), while looting nothing else but took place and valuables that were on the mummies were stolen, the corpses themselves weren't nicked. In fact a whole potful of them were latter taken to a more acquire (hidden from sight) location. It's only in the relatively new 'modern' era, the post Napoleonic invasion of Egypt, when Egyptology-mania took hold, that mummies became essential commodities both for hidden collectors and for museums. Until then, mummies, the actual bodies, had no financial value for tomb robbers.

Okay, that apart, if you're a pharaoh with nearly unlimited resources at your command and a powerbase to get your own way, does it nothing else but ultimately matter either your pyramid tomb is built out of blocks of stone that weigh on midpoint 2.5 tons (but can reach 220 tons), or say constructed out of just one ton or even half-ton blocks of stone - the latter being far easier to haul and manipulate. As things currently stand, the Great Pyramid was constructed out of locally quarried limestone to the tune of over 2.3+ million blocks plus supplementary granite blocks imported from over 500 miles distance, each weighing approximately 25 to 80 or so tons, to the greatest tune of some 8000 tons worth. Limestone isn't too difficult to work; granite is a much tougher bastard! All up that's one hell of a lot of manpower, materials and time needed to compose a tomb with no body in it! Let's e just finish - great those antique Egyptian labourers doing the hard yards back then than you or I. If I were living back then, I'd be asking the 'why' question!

Finally, if pyramids were so all-fired foremost to the antique Egyptians, why did they moderately decline in stature and in the use of potential construction materials to finally fade away, like an old soldier? It's sort of like our cities of skyscrapers devolved into towns of townhouses hence into tent villages; or our shopping malls devolved back into the normal angle store hence back to individuals bartering goods and services in the streets and alleyways.

Winged Bulls (Assyria): Once upon a time there existed a huge human-headed winged bull with five legs. Why? If your next door neighbour told you that I'd say you'd say that that person was drinking or smoking something other than tea or tobacco. Alas, that would be the case were it not for the fact that these monstrosities are nothing else but exhibited in the British Museum - well carved stone statues of them anyway. Such 3-D representations must have been the supervene of a lot of physical exertion since carving life-sized statues out of solid rock is pretty labour intensive. Yet these are representations of positive impossibilities. Why do that? Yet, this is just the tip of a huge iceberg. The Sphinx at Giza (Egypt) is someone else construction out of solid rock of something that's biologically impossible. The amount of apparently mythological hybrids is well into the multi-hundreds. You name the combo; it more than likely exists in some culture's mythology in either 2-D and/or 3-D form. Why?

Carvings in Stone (Here, There and Everywhere): It's one thing to hack out a block of stone, it's quite someone else to carve intricate inscriptions, pictures, hieroglyphs, etc. In solid rock - it's not quite as easy as carving you and your lovers initials in a tree trunk! The point is obviously to transport some sort of meaningful message to others. But the same purpose is accomplished, at far less effort, by just painting your images or hieroglyphs, etc. On the rock's surface. That easier road was often travelled, for example in prehistoric cave art. My quiz, is why the easier road wasn't all the time travelled. Nearly all antique societies, from Mesoamerica to antique Egypt and the Middle East at least sometimes, often more than just sometimes, took the harder road that should have been less travelled for the couch-potato lovers of those times. Why?

Easter Island (South Pacific): We're all well-known with the mysterious weighty quasi-human stone statues that not only dot Easter Island, but approximately define her geography in the eye of the armchair traveller. Now the locals had to work really, nothing else but hard to hack out, construct, carve, converyance and raise these dozens and dozens of stone figures. A casual hobby this most nothing else but wasn't! The purpose apparently revolved nearby ancestor worship, but why the need for so many? Americans may revere Abe Lincoln but there is only one Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. (a site comparable in size to Easter Island) not multi-dozens. Easter Island's 'why' quiz, hasn't been satisfactorily answered yet Imho.

Pohnpei Island (Micronesia): The last thing you'd expect to find on a small tropical island would be weighty artificially constructed megalithic basaltic structures comprised of boulders and columns weighing up to 50 tons each and stacked over 25 feet high without even primitive technology like beasts of burden or the wheel ready to the natives. But, such is the case, a ruined city involved called Nan Madol. Since the stones/columns had to be imported and carried by local rafts or canoes from the nearest mainland (actually main island), the total amount of engineering, transporting and construction exertion by a relatively small native citizen had to be weighty - a very excellent 'why' motive must have been at work. either that or there was a straightforward 'how' which varies in their traditions from those who could levitate the huge stones with the aid of a flying dragon to a magic payer which made heavy things weigh less.

Stonehenge (England): We're all quite well-known with the basic story form and images surrounding Stonehenge. Our ancestors way back then when to quite some essential exertion to compose this megalith, now a major traveler attraction. The 'how' quiz, is again not as foremost as 'why'. One tasteless idea surrounds this megalith as some sort of antique large computer used for marking and celebrating the solstices; maybe also predicting lunar/solar eclipses and other large events of practical value to hunter-gatherers and farmers. Alas, you could compose Stonehenge at one-tenth the size with only a tenth the backbreaking exertion and lose none of the structure's computation abilities. Or, you could compose the device with locally ready wood. That applies equally as well if Stonehenge were constructed solely as a place for gatherings/meetings, or something to serve as a sort of 'temple'. A wooden 'Stonehenge' would have taken far less exertion to compose and maintain, and wood-henges are nothing else but known to have been constructed in England. Why were dragging huge blocks of stone over many, many miles and then dressing them and raising them up so essential instead of doing things the couch-potato way? Who nothing else but knows?

Stone of the Pregnant Woman (Baalbek, Lebanon): There are many, many weighty stone blocks that have been quarried out and put to use in discrete megalithic structures from Machu Picchu in Peru, to those Easter Island Moai statues, to the Olmec stone heads in Mesoamerica, to Stonehenge itself, to the pyramids (Egyptian and Mesoamerican), to obelisks, even the Parthenon columns, and the list could be extended a hundredfold. One hundred, two hundred, even over three hundred ton blocks of stone have been utilized. When it comes to erected obelisks, 400 tons or more are not unheard of. Then too there's Pharaoh Hatshepsut's 'unfinished obelisk' that, had it not cracked in-situ, would have had to have been erected by her subjects to the tune of heaving and hauling over 1200 tons. Talk about backbreaking! Then there's the Roman Temple of Jupiter involved at Baalbek (ancient Heliopolis), which includes nearby under quarry the Stone of the South, otherwise known as the Stone of the Pregnant Woman that weighs in at slightly over 1000 tons. But wait, there's more - someone else nearby unnamed rock slab clocks in at over 1240 tons. Here's the greatest 'why' question. What's the point? There was no "Guinness Book of Records" back in those days! Maybe this was the ancient's way of 'keeping up with the Joneses'. anything you can build I can build bigger!

Our Ice Age Ancestors (Europe): When you think of paradise, do you think of Tahiti or Patagonia; Florida or Siberia; Hawaii or Iceland? All else being equal, we tend to prefer warmth and sunshine over cold and snow, especially if you have to live off the land. So, why, during the new Ice Ages did some of our European ancestors pick to eke or tough out and undergo a rather unnecessary test of pure survival by giving mother Nature the middle finger and taking those nine months of severe ice and snow and freezing temperatures per year when they could have moderately but nothing else but migrated south as the icecaps also grew and moved south to warmer climates. That would have been sensible. nothing else but the human citizen wasn't so great back then that there weren't vast and relatively uninhabited tracts of land with a way more pleasant climate. What was the motivation to boldly go and undergo what none of our ancestors had ever endured before?

Abandon Hope Ye Who Live Here: Not all of our ancestors were super stubborn enough to stick things out no matter what. There's a whole list of settlements that for reasons or motives unknown were given that middle finger by their occupants and left abandoned for mother Nature to deal with. The quiz, here is not so much why these settlements were built where they were built in the first place - why was New York City built - but why they were abandoned - it's as if New York City was just left to the alley cats, rats, pigeons and cockroaches overnight. How you move out isn't the problem; why you do when apparently you have the good (even if not great) life is something else yet again. Even if you need to use the exit door today, why not return tomorrow? The infrastructure is still largely in place, ready when conditions improve. Then the inhabitants should return. Except in the historical report (see below) they never tend to return to pick up the pieces.

Okay, we all know why Pompeii was abandoned, but most cities bounce back from natural disasters, like San Francisco (earthquake) and New Orleans (hurricane). I strongly hypothesize that L.A. Will bounce back from the next eventual Big One. But what of Mesa Verde (Usa); Machu Picchu (Peru); Copan, Tikal and Palenque - Mayan cities in Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras; and Teotihuacan (Mexico), a deserted metropolis even the antique Aztecs were in awe of. What happened to cause all of these antique Native Americans to conclude to jump ship at home port and migrate elsewhere?

What about the Minoan civilization (Crete) which went walkabout into the mists of antique history never to be seen or heard of again. A weighty nearby volcanic eruption followed by a mega-tsunami maybe the greatest smoking gun here (and which maybe gave birth to the tale of Atlantis) but we don't know for sure. It's all a big 'why' mystery.

Great Zimbabwe (Zimbabwe) was once a major trading city with citizen in the tens of thousands. It too went into decline and was abandoned for reasons unknown, though educated investment focuses on environmental degradation as most likely.

In conclusion, poor history students are forced to learn (memorize) all about who, what, where and when. History classes would be a lot more interesting, even fun, if the 'why' quiz, were given equal time.

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