Thursday, June 7, 2012

Reducing Pollution

Assisted Living - Reducing Pollution
The content is nice quality and useful content, Which is new is that you simply never knew before that I do know is that I have discovered. Before the distinctive. It's now near to enter destination Reducing Pollution. And the content related to Assisted Living.

Do you know about - Reducing Pollution

Assisted Living! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

According to Harvey solitaire - he was part of the 'Fit for Life' rage that backed Herbert Shelton's 'Hygienic' movement -

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How is Reducing Pollution

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Assisted Living.

"In the Usa, the Environmental protection Authority found that the meat, poultry and egg manufactures was responsible for 73.6% of phosphate waste, 68% of suspended solids, 31% of solid waste, 35% of water waste, 73% of nitrogen waste and 7% of hydrocarbons.
Our appetite for animal products is wiping out our trees, fouling our water, polluting our air, gobbling up our natural resources and decimating our land."

'An emotional appeal' you say - but there are few habitancy to-day that would argue successfully against Diamond's conjecture.

However, the statement itself being emotional leaves room for the 'wowser' to interject with any and sundry objections.

And so, to add scientific conjecture to the consulation - I'll add to Mr. Diamond's statement with my own observations.

The eating of flesh food - of any kind - either it runs, jumps, hops, flies, swims or crawls - is not in accordance with the laws of anatomy and physiology as they pertain to the human species.

Structure governs function is a gorgeous rule of operation.

The structure of the human digestive ideas - from any and all aspects proves that we, as a species, are designed to subsist (in a pristine state of health) on a diet of living, live, whole plant based foods - to the exclusion of all other food types.

If we, as the only species capable of higher level thinking, were to answer to this with logic, there would be no need to emote on the subject of pollution.

We would also finish that the need to clean up one's individual and personal pollution comes before knee-jerk responses to environmental pollution.

If you want the cleanest personal environment - don't eat second class foods, i.e. Animal flesh.

All the best for your condition and Happiness,
Kevin Hinton

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