Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Unheard Voices

Mesa Assisted Living - Unheard Voices
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Mesa Assisted Living! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Imagine, if you will, that for some reason, an injury, illness or old age, you required assistance to do the things in life that you ordinarily do. The activities that make your life your own became dependent on man else's help. Visualize what it would be like if you had to have assistance to go shopping, or to get groceries, to buy clothes, go to the library, a movie, or a concert. How would it feel if you were dependent on man else to drive you to those places, help you on and off a bus or drive you in a car?

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How is Unheard Voices

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Mesa Assisted Living.

Got the picture? Now imagine what it would be like if you didn't have a house or friends to help you out, and that the injury or illness became a permanent part of your life. You could hire help, right? Visualize that you live below poverty level on a fixed income, and the government has decided that the only activities that you need to engage in are those that are a healing necessity. No more concerts, movies, or recreation of any kind.

That is exactly what is happening right now in Colorado to habitancy with developmental disabilities. With the economic downturn and the chronic vicious cuts to Colorado's state budget, assistance to habitancy with developmental disabilities has been reduced to a bare-bones, healing necessity paradigm.

The condition Care procedure and Finance department (Hcpf), which oversees Medicaid coverage, put a financial cap on funding for services and standardized refund rates for services provided for habitancy in the Supported Living Services Waiver (Sls) and the Children's uncut withhold Services Waiver (Ces) programs, on July 1, 2009. These actions are, in themselves, not a bad thing. Standardization of assistance definitions, requirements for assistance provision, and accountability for quality provision of services have helped all assistance providers for habitancy with Developmental Disabilities to "get on the same page" and to put some order into previous chaos in inevitable areas of assistance provision. However, since July 1, 2009, in increasing to the imposed caps, refund rates for services provided by these programs have been sliced two more times by two percent each time.

The paramount agencies in Colorado which are responsible for providing services for the habitancy with Developmental Disabilities (Dd) are called community Centered Boards (Ccbs). They either hire habitancy to supply services or contract with other individuals, associates or agencies to supply services for habitancy with Dd. The last dicing of funding resources occurred July 1, 2010, and took the rate refund amounts low enough that many assistance providers will be unable to continue to stay afloat as they will not be able to compensate employees or contractors and pay for administrative and company costs as well. Employees of many Ccb's have not received raises, have taken furlough days and given up benefits in order to keep their associates viable. Contractors have agreed to take reductions in pay, or have decided to move onto more lucrative and supportive fields of work.

Supported Living Services (Sls) is a agenda which provides the withhold needed to foster independence for individuals living on their own or with their families. One of the program's goals is to supply the acceptable services to individuals and their families so that the man receiving services does not have to live in a residential care setting or be institutionalized. Agreeing to David Braddock, Ph.D., administrative Director of the Coleman develop for Cognitive Disabilities, in 2009, there were around 4,181 persons in Supported Living Services in Colorado, which averages out to around 74.3 habitancy in Sls per each one hundred thousand Coloradans.

Services offered in Sls are as various as are its participants. One man may need only some help with money supervision and developing better employment habits or other employment supports. an additional one may need help with housekeeping, hygiene or public skills. Yet an additional one may need behavioral counseling and a plan in place to help them remain in society. Some families need help with personal care or respite for their loved ones.

In increasing to the allowance in rate reimbursements, the cap on the amounts available for services, and the allowance in financial withhold for habitancy in these waivers, Hcpf has also redefined the assistance definitions that are stylish for funding.

No longer can a man in Sls go to a movie or a concert if they need paid agenda assistance to do so. Bowling and bingo are also out, unless the assistance provider can prove a condition related reckon for them to be able to go. If they wish help to go to a parade, then the assistance plan had better show how that performance promotes socialization and that is indispensable for them to "socialize" for their health. If an activity, an outing or a product is not medically indispensable for this population, then it is not being stylish as a service. And, heaven forbid, that those Sls clients that live in ski areas want to go skiing with their buddies! Even if they pay for it themselves, the new regulations won't pay for man to help them go there and back to their homes. Recreation has been totally taken out of the Sls and Ces assistance definitions and only exists in order to buy adaptive equipment or pay for a fee for an performance that is health-related and monitored by a condition professional.

In the Children's uncut withhold waiver, they have denied a certified Yoga educator agenda as "movement therapy", even though the assistance clearly has provided and supported all of the components of the definition of "movement therapy" and has been helping one single child to "be in the world" without injuring herself or others. Within two weeks after this child had to stop participating in yoga because it was no longer being reimbursed, she exhibited less motor control, started falling down again, had less body awareness, started running into things and other habitancy again, and has sustained any injuries.

Another Ces rejection was in response to a ask for a transported protection bed for a child who is mobile, knows no boundaries and doesn't sleep much. The ask was made so that the child would be safe at night while the house travels to other places; including to Denver to the doctor, or while camping. The response with the denial was: camping and hotel rooms are not a healing necessity.

In 1975, the de-institutionalization for the "mentally retarded" started gaining recognition and energy as a movement. In the following decades, study after study has proved that the habitancy with developmental disabilities could and should have a place in community as a whole. It continues to be an uphill battle to include habitancy with Dd in the mainstream habitancy and especially difficult to prove their "worth" quantitatively for those who crunch the numbers. Now that it is not so unusual to see a man with Dd bagging groceries, going shopping, or sitting next to you at a movie, the principles that worked so hard to concentrate this habitancy into community is pushing them back into resignation because of lack of funding. One thing that is certain, on a strictly financial basis, it costs much less to supply services to habitancy with Dd who are living at home alone or with their house or in a small residential setting than to pay for habitancy who are living in an institution. The cutbacks that are resulting in ultimate reductions in services are going to have the opposite ensue financially than the one that is desired.

As of last year, there were almost 4200 adults and 400 children in the Sls and Ces programs in Colorado who were living with house members, on their own or with a friend. They have been living salutary productive lives and have come to be part of our communities. Due to the allowance of funding and the medical-necessity advent to provision of services, the chronic cuts are forcing the clients right back into residential settings.

In increasing to the reductions in funding and limitations on services, there is now a huge controversy regarding disagreement of interest going on at the state level, the results of which will settle either or not Ccb's can keep case supervision and continue to supply services. This means that Ccb's potentially may have to choose in the middle of chronic to supply case supervision or continue to supply services for habitancy with developmental disabilities. The results of this split will be devastating for individuals and families who have been receiving both from Ccb's, some of them for decades, some of them for their whole life. Relationships have been formed, trust has been established, and interpersonal connections have been made. Those aspects of case supervision and assistance provision are grossly ignored by the habitancy development the changes and the rules.

Another "movement" on the horizon that will drastically work on the habitancy with Dd, is what is called the "Accountable Care Collaborative", which is intended to "redesign the Medicaid agenda to supply a focal point of care/medical home for all clients - particularly for those with complex needs," Agreeing to Sandeep Wadhwa, Md, who was, in June, the State Medicaid Director and Chief healing Officer. Sounds great, doesn't' it?

This plan will divide the State of Colorado into seven healing home regions. Agreeing to Wadhwa's presentation at the Alliance June Training Summit, the Accountable Care Collaborative will "develop regional accountability for clients' condition status and affordability".

Proposed Regions 2,3,5,6,and 7, make some sense as to how they are laid out on the Front Range. However, almost half of the state will be in Region 1, which includes all of the western slope and spans across the middle north counties, including Larimer, Grand, Eagle and Summit. It runs all the way to Archuleta County in the south, and Montezuma County in the Sw projection to Moffat in the Nw corner.

Have you ever driven from Ft. Collins in Larimer County to Cortez in Montezuma County, or even just to Grand Junction in Mesa County? It takes a full day in the car to get from one of those areas to the other. Very few habitancy with developmental disabilities drive a car, own a car or can even ride a bus on their own (that is if there were buses throughout the region). The communication issues alone for this "region" are unfathomable in their difficulties; and that is without even mentioning the weather or the mountains that divide this state. If you bring in the economic variances, the lack of rural services, the ultimate cultural diversities that are widely affected by location, you have an unimaginable challenge as to how this region will legitimately be able to "invest in care coordination" and "develop regional accountability for clients' condition status and affordability".

It is crystal clear to me that in every area I have discussed, no one is asking the habitancy who will be affected the most by these actions. No one is taking into notice that these are habitancy with needs, just like you and I, and their needs are even more 'special' than yours and mine. Those of us who work the "front lines" with habitancy with disabilities are committed to supply assistance that supports their quality of life and maintains personal dignity. I personally don't know whatever who does it "for the money", because, frankly, there isn't any. Ccb employees' and contractors' pay rates start at minimum wage and range almost twenty percent below the pay of State Employees, including teachers, with comparable jobs duties. Our commitment to supply services for habitancy who need them is because we know they can't do it for themselves.

Every funding cut, assistance restriction, and mindless restructuring of assistance principles will continue to take away an additional one piece of these people's lives, until there is no quality of life left for them. So then, what good will it do to make sure they have every healing necessity available for them? When there are no more opportunities to be useful in the community, for public interaction, art, music, for any fun at all, then what? Who speaks for these unheard voices? And the bigger inquire is: who is listening?

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