Sunday, June 3, 2012

Sedona Vortex - Fact Or New Age Woo-Woo?

Mesa Assisted Living - Sedona Vortex - Fact Or New Age Woo-Woo?
The content is nice quality and helpful content, Which is new is that you just never knew before that I do know is that I actually have discovered. Before the distinctive. It's now near to enter destination Sedona Vortex - Fact Or New Age Woo-Woo?. And the content related to Mesa Assisted Living.

Do you know about - Sedona Vortex - Fact Or New Age Woo-Woo?

Mesa Assisted Living! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Sedona, Arizona is alive with vigor and has 15-20 vigor vortex sites located within a 15-20 mile radius. As you arrive in Sedona like many other emotionally weary traveler's from all walks of life and all corners of the planet, you find yourself wondering-will I feel it? If I sit very still and focus my full concentration will I feel the mysterious "energy" and possibly get a foresight or two while I am here.

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How is Sedona Vortex - Fact Or New Age Woo-Woo?

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Mesa Assisted Living.

Sedona Arizona is the land of many vortex sites. A vortex can be explained as a place on the earth where vigor is either entering the earth through lay lines (energy lines) or it is projecting out of the earth. Lay lines run on the earth, just like the acupuncture meridians or vigor lines that run through our body, and connect to our chakras and organs. The earth has a chakra system, and meridians that connect this system, just like our own system. When the vortex has vigor that is entering the earth, it is a feminine vortex, and enhances meditation and going within. It is also carefully magnetic vigor (drawing in). The vigor vortex sites that have vigor leaving the earth are carefully masculine vortex sites and are elector-magnetic. Male vigor vortex sites are carefully best for practicing Chi kung, meditations on your goals that you want to manifest, or any more active practice.

For those with a very logical mind-you may want something tangible that you can feel, see, or possibly hear. Think about the vigor that travels through the circuits and electrical lines of your home, you cannot see it. The vigor that runs through our own body can't be seen except with kirilian photography, yet you know when your vigor feels low and you need sleep.

Each Sedona vortex, has a potential of energy, and therefore will enhance obvious curative meditations. Many habitancy come to Sedona to find curative on various separate levels. Some seek clarity and direction, while others seek inner emotional healing, and still others pray for corporal curative from many continuing diseases. We also have those who are just curious, and want to see if they "feel" anyone or if all this is just new age hype.

I have been visiting Sedona Vortex Sites for more than eighteen years. While my many visits I have experienced curative on all levels. I was drawn to Sedona shortly after my first divorce, and was seeking inner curative and clarity in my own life. The vortex that I was most drawn to at the time was Boynton Canyon. Boynton is balanced in male and female energies, and is a magical place for curative wounds from divorce, and other imbalances in male/female energies.

Another beloved place in Sedona is Airport Mesa. The views are awesome there, and the vigor is so strong that most are able to connect with it, and experience major shifts and insights.

The Chapel of the Holy Cross in the Red Rocks holds unmatched beauty, and the energies in the chapel are mystical and emotionally healing. If you are a hiker, there is a phenomenal hike in this area. It is well marked, and moderate sufficient so that most can deal with the challenge.

Next in line of favorites is Indian Gardens. In Oak Creek Canyon along Oak Creek are magical springs that feed Oak Creek. Our Ancestors have respected and revered these waters for their magical curative powers, for centuries.

Each man who ventures into the vortex sites will have their own inner and outer journeys. If your plan is hiking each vortex, while hoping to catch the vigor While your hurried treks; you are likely to miss an vigor experience. Just like inner peace-for the ecstatic vigor experience-one must slow down, and be still. Many habitancy have traveled here and left feeling they missed the whole experience, seek us out as guides. Once we have their intentions for their trip, i.e. Healing, inner peace, clarity on direction, and loss of man close, etc, we select the accepted vortex site, and generate a incommunicable personal ceremony. As guides we help our guests to connect with the land, their inner divine essence, and experience the curative energies of the vortex sites.

You will find many beautiful and rewarding places to visit in Sedona including world-class spas, art galleries, world-renowned restaurants; hiking trails that guest's tour around the world to hike, and unbelievably beautiful sunsets. Sedona was voted the estimate one most beautiful place to visit or live by Usa Today.

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